Aerospace Controls Laboratory

Recent News

ACL Students' Advice on Graduate School

YouTube playlist

These videos highlight graduate school as a parallel option to industry jobs after graduation. Current students answer some common questions about graduate school.

We especially hope this is beneficial for those without many peers in graduate school, and it could be an avenue toward increasing diversity in our community.

Professor Jon How Receives the IEEE CSS Distinguished Member Award in 2020

In recognition for “outstanding contributions to systems and control,” Professor Jon How received the IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award in 2020, to be formally presented at the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) in December 2020.

Michael passed his PhD Thesis Defense!

Video of the talk

Stewart Jamieson wins Best Paper Award in Service Robotics at ICRA 2020

ACL leads workshop at ICRA 2020

The workshop, titled “Emerging Learning and Algorithmic Methods for Data Association in Robotics” hosted invited speakers, papers, and discussion to bring the community together. Great work by Kaveh and the other organizers for hosting this workshop!

Workshop Website

ACL Brings Home Awards at IROS 2019

Two papers from ACL were finalists for awards at IROS 2019, and one took home the award! Congrats, Michael and Jesus!

Best Paper Award on Cognitive Robotics
Best Paper Award on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics