Aerospace Controls Laboratory

Nicholas Rober

PhD Candidate

Website  /  Google Scholar  /  LinkedIn
nrober [at] mit [dot] edu


  • Ph.D. in , MIT, 2023 - current
  • M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT
  • B.S.E. in Mechanical Engingeering, University of Iowa, 2020

Research Interests

  • Safe Autonomy
  • Robust Learning
  • Motion Planning


Constraint-Aware Refinement for Safety Verification of Neural Feedback Loops
Nicholas Rober, 2024

This project developed an approach to reduce conservativeness in reachable set calculations for neural feedback loops

Online Reachability Analysis for Systems Subject to Uncertain Disturbances
Nicholas Rober, 2023

This project developed an approach to verify safety for systems subject to unknown disturbances

Backward Reachability for Neural Feedback Loops
Nicholas Rober, Michael Everett, 2022

This project developed a backward reachability strategy to certify safety for systems controlled by neural networks