Aerospace Controls Laboratory

Xiaoyi (Jeremy) Cai

PhD Student

Website  /  Google Scholar  /  LinkedIn
xyc [at] mit [dot] edu


  • M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech, 2019
  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Georgia Tech, 2017

Research Interests

  • Field robotics
  • Planning under uncertainty
  • Learning-based navigation
  • Multi-robot planning and control


Physics-Informed Evidential Traversability Learning
Xiaoyi (Jeremy) Cai, 2024

Incorporating physics knowledge into learned models for traversing out-of-distribution terrain

Evidential Traversability Learning
Xiaoyi (Jeremy) Cai, Lakshay Sharma, Michael Everett, 2024

Uncertainty-aware traversability learning and risk-aware navigation in off-road terrain

Risk-Aware Off-Road Navigation Leveraging Semantics
Xiaoyi (Jeremy) Cai, Michael Everett, 2022

Use semantics of the environment to infer terrain traversability based on history of speed data.

Multi-Robot Information Gathering
Xiaoyi (Jeremy) Cai, Kasra Khosoussi, 2022

Optimizing the trade-off between information and energy cost.

Lidar-Inertial Observability-Aware Navigator
Andrea Tagliabue, Jesus Tordesillas Torres, Xiaoyi (Jeremy) Cai, Ali-akbar Ahga-mohammadi, 2020

This work presents the Lidar-Inertial Observability-Aware Navigator used at the DARPA Subt. challenge.